Private Event FAQs

How many people can attend a private event?

We are limited to 10 participants in our workshops. For children’s workshops, adult caretaker/event organizers are expected to be present to supervise (and does not count towards the 10 participants). 

Where are these events hosted? Is the space wheelchair accessible?

All our private events are hosted in our Annex Studio, a couple doors down from our main studio in the South Hill Business Campus. The entrance is wheelchair accessible but there aren’t automatic doors through the main entrance.

Can children attend the event, and is there a minimum age requirement?

Our children’s workshops are designed to suit children 8 years old and up. While we would love to work with younger children, we are not staffed up to do so.

What is the cost of having a private event at the studio?

For $375 we offer workshops utilizing self-hardening clay (not water resistant/food safe) which can be used to create decorative objects like tea candle lanterns, decorative bowls, and small sculptures. These creations can be taken home by their creators at the end of the workshop. 

For $450 we offer workshops utilizing stoneware ceramic clay that will be bisqued and fired to be food-safe and water-resistant. For example, if your party wishes to create food-safe bowls, mugs, or water-resistant planters, we would need to utilize stoneware clay. The additional cost reflects the time and labor of the workshop instructor to bisque, glaze and fire the pieces after the workshop. These creations will be available for pick up approximately 2-3 weeks after the workshop by the event coordinator. 

Please note: we invoice by the workshop/event, not by headcount. Each workshop can have a maximum of 10 participants and is 2 hours long.